Author Topic: August Monthly Meeting Minutes  (Read 3237 times)


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August Monthly Meeting Minutes
« on: September 11, 2020, 10:28:06 pm »
Meeting Minutes August 6, 2020

First public meeting since Covid shutdown.  Meeting at Growler.

Brad brought the meeting to order.  Brian prayed.  We congratulated David McInturff on his retirement and he led us in the pledge. 

Melinda will post treasurer's report on forum.

Minutes were not read.  Minutes from last month will be posted on the forum.

Brad talks about movie outing.  We have chosen two movies to view.  Please sign up for which movie you want to see.  Tentative date of Aug 23.  Deposit is non-refundable.  $5 (maybe more) per person.  Twenty max per theatre.  Use PayPal Friends and Family. 

Brad talked about needing more trail guides.  We need to have a training for trails guides.  We are looking at River Rock for this.  We are also looking at doing a beginner class. 

We just came back from Windrock.  Brad thanked everyone for coming.  It was a great trip.  Brad talked about his large group he led.  He said everyone helped and he was happy with how it worked out. 

Sam spoke about the River Rock training event.  Aimee came up with the idea of beginner class.  September 26 is the date we are contemplating.  Brad asked for show of hands who would be interested.  There were a handful of people who showed interest.  Sam said we will put something on the forum for sign up. 

Sam thanked Courtney and Weston for hosting the fourth of July party.

Sam announced Chocco ride was canceled due to not enough participation.  We will look at the calendar for next year. 

Brad speaks about Topless Day.  It is scheduled for Sept 19.  We are looking at other options without doing a poker run.  We need volunteers to help event be successful. We will only presale shirts.  Shirts will not have a specific date, only the year. 

Sam talked about the Gulches Ride.  Hotels are 30 minutes away.  Go ahead and make reservations now.  Brad announces the hotel he found. Club members who need to drop trailers at this park, see Sam.

Sam talked about personal information being shared on the newsletter each month.  Please go on the forum and add your birthday and membership date and any events you want mentioned. 

Brad talked about 501c3.  We are still waiting on response. 

Brad talked about the Jeep parade we did for the young man who went into the Marines recently.

We recognized the kids who went back to school today. 

Brad suggested that anyone with ideas on things to do in the community should post it on the forum.  We will put a section on the forum for this.  Brad also talked about us doing some sort of song/challenge to put on social media. 

We've talked about meet and greets, but we feel it is still too early to hold them. 

Brad asked for questions. 

Brad let everyone know that we made the donation to the food pantry ($200).  He also talked about going out and distributing food. 

Brad thanked everyone for tuning in on Facebook and we adjourned.