Author Topic: March 2020 Meeting Minutes  (Read 3199 times)


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  • Rock Crawler
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  • Posts: 186
  • WRJC Secretary
March 2020 Meeting Minutes
« on: March 06, 2020, 11:13:14 am »
Brad called meeting to order at 7:05pm.
Brian Megahee started meeting with Prayer and then we said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Melinda gave treasurers report. $2,536.00 in acct . $253 remains after allotments.
motion was made and treasury report was approved.
Reading of February meetings and a motion was made and minutes approved.
Jeep show was a huge success. most profitable show to date
Abba House $1000 and the club profit was $856.68
Huge thank you to the committee for the Jeep Show, Samantha Gilbert, Aimee Megahee and Adam Smith.
Russell Announced new members:
Sherry Kelly, Dan and Katty Adkins, and Tony Gockman.
Members who were present were asked to fill out emergency contact sheet, code of conduct, and members information sheet.
Social network numbers were up again this month. Facebook likes up 117%. Facebook posts reached over 10,000 people and we had 3,536 post engagements.
We took the time to congratulate one of our members, David McInturff on his retirement. retirement party will be April 5th. info will be on forum.
upcoming Events:
Open house and Fish Fry with Biker Broz, Saturday 7 March at 8pm
Meet and Greet at JK Land 14 March. info on forum
AOP Ride for Reid. 21-22 March. info on forum
Vintage Jeep Show in Enigma Ga. 28 March. look for info on forum
Cherry Blossom Parade 29 March 4pm. see forum for details
Brad showed available hats $25 each.
meeting adjourned at 7:52 pm