Author Topic: January and February Meetings  (Read 3086 times)


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January and February Meetings
« on: December 29, 2020, 12:45:53 pm »
Hello and (almost) Happy New Year to everyone!  Unfortunately, due to Covid, we feel it is necessary to cancel our January and February in-person meetings.  Instead, we will broadcast on Facebook Live.  You will get credit for these meetings ONLY IF YOU COMMENT ON THE LIVE FEED.  You must be online and comment at the time of the actual live broadcast.  You will not get credit for watching the meeting at a later time. 

Because January and February are our members only meetings to address our bylaws, we will be moving this discussion to the forum.  Mike will have this post up soon under the "Members Only" section of the forum.  Please take the time to look over the bylaws and see if there is anything you think needs to be amended.  If you have any questions, please reach out to a council member. 

We know this is a little different, but everything in 2020 has been.  Please be patient with us as we navigate through this process.  Thank you!

January Meeting (Members Only)
Thursday, January 7, 2021
7 PM
Facebook Live

February Meeting (Members Only)
Thursday, February 4, 2021
7 PM
Facebook Live