Hey Guys! Brad has spoken with Perry Hospital. It seems that the local hospitals here are overrun with food donations. They are taking food home and also having to throw away food. Perry Hospital said it would be wonderful if we could donate a picnic table for them to be able to have their break times and meals at. We decided this is the best route to be helpful during this hard time.
We will be collecting money through PayPal using treasurer@wrjeepclub.com. Please use the FRIENDS AND FAMILY option. Our hope is to be able to buy them a couple of nice picnic tables.
This problem is not going away in the immediate future and we may consider doing something else a little ways down the road. We'd also like to thank all of our members and acquaintances who are on the front lines of this pandemic. We appreciate all you're doing to fight this virus and keep us safe. Hopefully, we will all be together again soon. Take care!