Author Topic: August 2021 Meeting Minutes  (Read 2781 times)


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  • Rock Crawler
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  • Posts: 186
  • WRJC Secretary
August 2021 Meeting Minutes
« on: August 24, 2021, 01:41:34 pm »
Brad called meeting to order at 7:08pm
Welcomed all the visitors and thanked them for joining us.
Melinda gave treasurers report. Report is under members only of forum.
Discussed getting Wrap estimate for the trailer.
Thanked everyone who supported poke run for motorcycle accident. $6,000.00 was raised for family. 14 Jeeps participated.
Asked everyone to fill out questionnaire with ideas the club member would be interested in doing. this way we can start working on the 21-22 calendar.
Discussed the perks of being a member and how to become a member.
Heather Lawrence Chair person for Jeep Show.
17 August Meet and Greet at Steak and Shake on Watson Blvd at 6:00
21 August Safety Meeting and movie night. Info on forum.
4-6 September Labor Day Ride at Gulches ORV park in SC
18 September Jacob Saundron car show at Museum of Aviation.
11 September 20th Anniversary of the Attacks on 9/11/01.  discussing what event to participate in.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:50