Author Topic: May 2021 Monthly Meeting Minutes  (Read 2739 times)


  • Club Member
  • Rock Crawler
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  • Posts: 186
  • WRJC Secretary
May 2021 Monthly Meeting Minutes
« on: May 14, 2021, 09:23:40 am »
Brad called meeting to order at 7:01pm
Discussed the Ride at River Rock. Great turn out and only one incident
Minutes read and accepted for April.
Meet and Greet at Sonic was a great turn out and had a lot of new faces
Topless Day 15 May. Registration begins at 9am. Route and information will be posted
Ordered a few extra topless day shirts that will be sold on day of event.
Volunteers needed for stops in Cochran, Eastman, and Hawkinsville. $20 cash or paypal friends and family.
must be present to win at topless day
Anniversary ride 5-6 June, members only.
Camping is included for weekend. 10 year anniversary, Awards, raffle items
28 May deadline for registration for Anniversary ride.
29 May Flags at Andersonville. pull out from Lowes on 96 at 7:30 sharp.
4th of July Party members only. info will be on forum
WRJC Jeep show cancelled for 2020 but will participate in Jacob Saundron car show on 18 September
Amy stepping down from Social Media
2020 Elections
Nominations are open now. Nominations will end at 7pm on 13 May 2020
Votes will be up for 3 days for each position
Mike discussed hat orders
Anniversary ride shirt thread and hat combo will be posted asap
Meeting adjourned at 7:36pm