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Official WRJC Events / Re: Fall Chili Cook-off and Costume Contest 10/29
« Last post by GitRdone on October 18, 2023, 01:13:47 pm »
1. Daniel and Leigh
2. Daniel and Tammi Howard.
3. Ron and Heather Smith
4. Doug & Annette (probably won't be bringing any chili)
5. Scott and Renate Foster
6.April and Bo
7. Melinda and Brad
8. Laura, Tony, and kids maybe
9. Jason, Kathryn, Fisher,
10. Tony, Robin, and Nick
11. Michelle & David (probably not bringing anything)
Official WRJC Events / Re: Fall Chili Cook-off and Costume Contest 10/29
« Last post by Eluzion32 on October 18, 2023, 11:09:58 am »
1. Daniel and Leigh
2. Daniel and Tammi Howard.
3. Ron and Heather Smith
4. Doug & Annette (probably won't be bringing any chili)
5. Scott and Renate Foster
6.April and Bo
7. Melinda and Brad
8. Laura, Tony, and kids maybe
9. Jason, Kathryn, Fisher,
10. Tony, Robin, and Nick
Official WRJC Events / Re: Fall Chili Cook-off and Costume Contest 10/29
« Last post by Coach on October 18, 2023, 10:40:50 am »

1. Daniel and Leigh
2. Daniel and Tammi Howard.
3. Ron and Heather Smith
4. Doug & Annette (probably won't be bringing any chili)
5. Scott and Renate Foster
6.April and Bo
7. Melinda and Brad
8. Laura, Tony, and kids maybe
9. Jason, Kathryn, Fisher,

Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

Official WRJC Events / Re: Fall Chili Cook-off and Costume Contest 10/29
« Last post by lallgood on October 18, 2023, 09:54:39 am »

1. Daniel and Leigh
2. Daniel and Tammi Howard.
3. Ron and Heather Smith
4. Doug & Annette (probably won't be bringing any chili)
5. Scott and Renate Foster
6.April and Bo
7. Melinda and Brad
8. Laura, Tony, and kids maybe
Official WRJC Events / Re: Fall Chili Cook-off and Costume Contest 10/29
« Last post by Melinda m on October 18, 2023, 09:40:25 am »
1. Daniel and Leigh
2. Daniel and Tammi Howard.
3. Ron and Heather Smith
4. Doug & Annette (probably won't be bringing any chili)
5. Scott and Renate Foster
6.April and Bo
7. Melinda and Brad
Official WRJC Events / Re: Fall Chili Cook-off and Costume Contest 10/29
« Last post by AprilandBo on October 17, 2023, 08:46:08 am »
1. Daniel and Leigh
2. Daniel and Tammi Howard.
3. Ron and Heather Smith
4. Doug & Annette (probably won't be bringing any chili)
5. Scott and Renate Foster
6.April and Bo
Official WRJC Events / Re: Fall Chili Cook-off and Costume Contest 10/29
« Last post by sdfoster20 on October 12, 2023, 09:02:46 am »
Scott and Renate Foster
Oops, dang Newbies
Official WRJC Events / Re: Fall Chili Cook-off and Costume Contest 10/29
« Last post by sdfoster20 on October 12, 2023, 09:01:47 am »
1. Daniel and Leigh
2. Daniel and Tammi Howard.
3. Ron and Heather Smith
4. Doug & Annette (probably won't be bringing any chili)
5. Scott and Renate Foster
Official WRJC Events / Re: Fall Chili Cook-off and Costume Contest 10/29
« Last post by sdfoster20 on October 12, 2023, 09:00:06 am »
Scott and Renate Foster
WRJC Announcements / 5 October 2023 Membership Meeting Minutes
« Last post by Annette on October 06, 2023, 08:53:53 am »
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